Apostolic Bishop Fern B. Mclean
Pastor of Church of the Living God International Embassy International Fellowship’s 1st Administrator-Canada
Fern Mclean, was born in Manchester, Jamaica. Her will to survive began even before she was born. Overcoming great odds in her early childhood, equipped her with the ability to succeed at whatever she does.
She was brought to the house of God at the tender age of three, when her mother became a Christian and a member on the Harry Watch Missionary Church. She was taught good Christian principles and learned faithful service through the example of her mother.
In November of 1977, Fern made Jesus her Lord and Savior and was also baptized. She became active in her local congregation and enjoyed visiting congregations in more remote areas in that region. Her life as a Christian was not without failing. However her love for God would motivate her to get back up and continue the race that she had started.
Fern preached her first message at a fasting service in her local church. She would later be called on, to minister to her high school students during weekends of services. It was there that she developed a longing for something more. That something became someone, whose name is the Holy Spirit.
Her hungering desire took her to the Church Of God of Prophecy in her community, under the leadership of Pastor Irvin Folks. It was challenging for her to accept the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, but she surrendered to the will of God and was baptized in the Holy Spirit shortly after. She became an ambassador for Jesus in her community, leading many young people to Christ and mentoring them also. Her passion for street meetings deepened as she accompanied her Pastor, who took the message of salvation to some dark corners where the only light available was his gas and kerosene lantern. That was also her introduction to deliverance ministry.
Fern became married and migrated to Canada in 1985 and attended the St. Clair Church of God of Prophecy, under the leadership of Bishop H.L. Martin. She later became a member of the New Testament Church of God, under the leadership of Rev. Victor Bailey, and served as an Administrator and Elder. Her evangelistic passion was carried out, through street, senior’s residence and children ministries. Her devotion to prayer gave birth to her becoming a prophetic Intercessor. In 1994, she was directed by the Lord to fellowship with Solid Rock Christian Fellowship, where she was appointed to the office of a Missionary by Pastor John Castillo. It was there that her Prophetic ministry was birth.
Fern accepted the call of God to Pastoral ministry in 1996 and started a home Bible study, which developed into, Church of the Living God International. She was ordained in 1997 by the Evangelical Church alliance upon the completion of her studies at their Bible Extension Institute and Canada Christian College. She also attended The Divine Institute of Biblical Counselling, where she became commited to counselling. “Divorce proofing Your Marriage” is a result of her passion to counsel.
In the fall of the year 2009 she was introduced to Embassy International Fellowship by Bishop Mitchell Quintana of Embassy International Global Ministries. Their God ordained encounter became the manifestation to many prophetic words that had been spoken to her during her formative years. This has led to a deeper level of fellowship, mentorship, spiritual growth and elevation through the Leadership of her Presiding Prelate and Chairman: Bishop Anthony Johnson, ThD.
Over the years, she have been appointed to the Fellowship’s 1st Administrator to Canada, Apostleship and the Bishopric, with oversight of International affairs. The authorities that have been invested in her by the laying of hands; have produced in her a greater level of humility and gratitude to her Lord, who has turned that which the enemy of her soul had meant for evil to the glory of His name.
Despite of all the gifts that God has so graciously allowed to have operated through Bishop Fern Mclean, throughout the many lives that she have touched, the many pastors and ministries that she have suckered and the community awards that she have received, her favourite quote remains; “I am only a woman who loves the Lord.” Fern’s love for the Lord is expressed in her faithful service.