Meet Our Church Elders

Elder Ezra John
Elder Ezra John came to Church of the Living God International from Trinidad approximately eight years ago. It took him some time to adjust to our culture and way of worship.
When his adjustment was complete he became dedicated in his attendance, service and vision for the work of the ministry.
He is also on his second year of service as the leader of the Men’s Ministry.
Ezra service as an elder is progressing as he continues to give himself to pray.
He is married to one of the ministry’s foundational members who also commits to the things of God and the local congregation.

Elder Jennifer Simmons
Elder Jennifer Simmons was born in Trinidad & Tobago. She is a mother and grandmother who loves the Lord with her whole heart. She was delivered from her death bed and has been serving the Lord since, for over 28 years.
Jennifer has faithfully served and trusted in the Lord over the years, while recognizing the call of God and His purposes for her life.
She has served on the Nurses board in Deliverance Temple, Trinidad for 3 years under the leadership of Apostle Michael Lewis. She later migrated to Canada where she served in Solid Rock Ministry for 5 years on the Board of Directors, as a Moderator and Motivator.
In 1996 she transitioned to Church of The Living God International and has been serving as an Assistant Director on the Board since it’s conception. She has also served in various capacities of leadership, including; Praise and worship, moderator, motivator, ministry of helps and as a intercessor.
Elder Jennifer Simmons is a certified Christian pastoral counselor and is now serving as a Associate pastor under the leadership of Bishop Fern Mclean.

Elder Leonie Ricketts
Leonie Ricketts is a devoted wife and mother of three children. She has had the privilege since 1983 to be of faithful service to various congregations in these capacities; Youth Choir member at Weston Road Church of God, Junior Sunday school Teacher, Adult Choir member and Church Secretary for Cooksville Church of God and Youth Sunday School Teacher at Zion Church of God in Christ.
Leonie is now a member of Church of the Living God International since 2001. Her diligence to the vision of the local congregation and her mantle of prayer and supplication have brought her to the place where she is now serving as; an Elder, Baptismal Class Instructor, Intercessory team member and Premarital Councillor.
She remains committed to the advancement of the Kingdom of God through her life, testimony and service.

Pastor Neville Hutchinson
Pastor Neville Hutchinson joined Church of the Living God International in 2012 to incubate the vision of Bishop Fern McLean. Pastor Neville brought his zeal and passion for lost souls and is cherished and accepted for his words of wisdom and encouragement to the body of Christ.
Pastor Neville currently serves alongside his wife Apostle Elect Doreen Hutchinson in Guyana, and is Co – Pastor of Church of the Living God International Guyana. Together they continue to strengthen and reach the lost, the hungry, young and elderly for the Kingdom. Underway is the first church building in Guyana, to be completed in 2019. We look forward to Grand Opening Day, and for the move of God in Guyana.

Apostle Elect Doreen Hutchinson
Apostle Elect Doreen Hutchinson joined Church of the Living God International in 2012 to labor and carry the vision of Bishop Fern McLean. With a passion for fulfilling God’s purpose in her life, and a heart for the broken, poor, homeless, and lost souls, Pastor Doreen received a sure word from the Lord and accepted the call to return home to Sweet Guyana.
After returning to Guyana, Pastor Doreen alongside with her husband Pastor Neville, under the leadership of Bishop Fern McLean hit the ground running. Pouring into the lives of Women by annually hosting Women’s Conferences, meeting the needs of the poor and hungry, holding community outreach initiatives, including Back to School, Back Packs for Kids, and enriching the lives of married couples with the Marriage Retreat, hosted by Bishop Fern McLean.
Pastor Doreen is now Apostle Elect, and God is expanding Church Of The Living God Int’l Canada with their first church building in Guyana, South America. To be completed in 2019. We continue to support the work and move of God in Guyana.